Are Mobile Deposits Really the Best Payment Method?

Mobile PaymentThere’s no denying that there are plenty of reasons you should make a mobile deposit at an online casino. For one thing, it’s quick and super easy to do. For another, it doesn’t even require a credit card to use.

All it needs is for you to send a text then verify the amount you want by sending another text. So the question is: are mobile deposits really the best payment method out there? To an onlooker, they sound almost too good to be true. Are they, in some way, correct? Let’s take a look.

Perceived Flaws

securityJust to be clear, we’d like to get the falsely perceived flaws of mobile deposits out of the way first, just so that you can understand that they are not overrated for these reasons. We’ve already said our piece on the myths of making mobile deposits. There are quite a few of them and they get in the way of people’s perception of mobile deposits, giving them a false impression of how they actually work.

Perhaps the biggest myth surrounding mobile deposits is the idea that it is somehow less secure than other payment methods because of the lack of any login or security details needed in order to complete said transaction. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Mobile deposits are as secure e-wallet transactions and even wire bank transfers. This is because of the SMS confirmation system and the one-time nature of the payment process. You need a confirmation code every time you make a transaction.

So, in a way, it’s more secure than an e-wallet. At least your details aren’t all registered in one place where one seriously talented hacker can get a hold of (not saying it will happen, but it could). And remembering details can become a hindrance as well as an annoyance. On the other hand, some people like that extra layer of security. But for mobile deposits, it simply isn’t necessary and adds to the element of accessibility.

Drawbacks of Mobile Deposits

mobile casinoBut now we have some of the fake drawbacks, What might make some people skeptical of mobile deposits is the drawbacks they present. For instance, there is £30 daily cap enforced by all mobile network companies. If players wanted to deposit more, they would have to then seek alternative methods.

This is an obstacle for high-rolling players in particular who like to make higher bets than usual. They would have to resort to an e-wallet or wire bank transfer if they wanted to deposit, say, £50 a day. So if you like betting a lot of money (and have the means to) mobile deposits are a no-go.

One of the other flaws that goes hand-in-hand with mobile deposits is that it mostly benefits mobile users. This may sound obvious but there’s almost no point to it if you operate solely from a desktop. Sure, you can use it. But what would you get out of it, unless you’re broke until the end of the month? Even considering the latter, it’s a (hopefully) temporary problem that can be resolved. Point is, mobile deposits aren’t really a permanent solution. It can be but it was not designed for that purpose.

But there is a bigger, more obvious drawback that many people don’t talk about, so obvious in fact that they don’t notice it’s a drawback at all. This drawback is the fact that mobile deposits only go one way — they only make deposits. At this moment in time, they are incapable of making withdrawals. See? We told you it was obvious! But it’s probably the biggest flaw there is and, unless technology fixes it, there’s not going to be much that’ll stop skeptics from using it.


pros and consSo, are mobile deposits really the best thing out there? The answer: no, but it’s not the worst either. For some people, it would work splendidly and would serve as a great alternative to other payment methods. For others, it wouldn’t. And that’s okay!

Mobile deposits aren’t for everyone but it’s certainly one of the better forms of payment out there, considering all of its strengths. And we believe the strength far outweigh the flaws.

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